Credit Saleh Salehizadeh
Saleh Salehizadeh
Full-stack developer
DjangoFlaskPythonCeleryJavascriptRLinuxAWSNginXExpress.jsNextJSJqueryTailwind CSSBootstrap CSSRaspberry PiNeoPixel

My tools Are

  • Team Work
  • Problem solving
  • Programming Skills
  • Math and statistics background

I will create

  • Creative tools and services
Photo Credit: Alex Shutin - Unsplash

Bitparsers (former Shinbob) is a tech company located in Toronto, Canada. As a full-stack web developer and programmer at this company, I had a variety of responsibilities, including:

  • Planned customers' use cases,
  • Designed code architecture,
  • Developed customers' websites and APIs,
  • Implemented unit tests,
  • Refactored code,
  • Reviewed code written by other developers, and
  • Mentored other developers on different projects.

Services of Bitparsers

  • Developing Websites and Web Services for other companies. Main Technologies:Django  NginX  Linux  AWS
  • Maintenance of Services

Products of Bitparsers

  • Developing 2 different Middleware Software for MadMapper (LightShifter and Lumos) with a web-base control-panel; Main Technologies:Express.js  NginX  Celery  Linux  Django
  • Developing a standalone light-mapping Software for RaspberryPi with a web-based control-panel. Main Technologies:Python  Raspberry Pi  Flask  Linux
  • Developing Free Online Services for Calculations, Main Technologies:Django  Javascript
A simple effect generated by Light-blender (our light-mapping product) and MeowUser's reaction to it.PythonRaspberry PiJqueryLinuxJavascriptFlask

Light-blender Box. Light-blender has a web-based control-panel to control effects on ledPythonRaspberry PiJqueryLinuxJavascriptFlask

DNBuy is a domain reseller service, which I developed a new backend for them.LinuxNginXDjango

Bitparsers itself was a website to introduce the company, and also provided some online services.LinuxNginXDjangoAWS

Photo Credit:Zetong Li - Unsplash

Abrbar was a transportation company highly active in the transportation industry, specializing in heavy-scaled cargo, truck, drivers, and customer management.

  • Maintained clean code in the Django web framework,
  • Acted as the connecting rope in the team, translating the needs of the product owner into the technical roadmap used by myself and mobile developers in the team,
  • Conducted unit testing with more than 80% test coverage.,
  • Developed a user-friendly and functional PWA control panel for admins, drivers, and customers (cargo owners),
  • Refactored legacy components of the Abrbar system,
  • Implemented a fully-documented deployment pipeline
The main web page of the Abrbar system in Persian
An example of the mobile application. I was the backend developer to generate required data
Another example of the mobile application. I was the backend developer to generate required data
Photo Credit: Li Shanting - unsplash

Souban Company, was a popular company that provides customers with the ability to upload their professional or amateur photos in a web-service named Irasography.

My responsibilities:

  • Developed services for photographers, initially as a backend developer in the first year, and as a full-stack developer in the second year.
  • Refactored legacy code in the system to enhance performance.
  • Implemented a fully RESTful API for all services, including accounts, gallery management, and photography competitions.
  • Designed a user-friendly UI for infinite scrolling in the gallery section of the Irasography website (front-end)
  • Created bash scripts for deployment purposes.
  • Guided co-developers on concepts such as asynchronous and synchronous programming, AJAX, and more in JavaScript.


Django  Javascript  Linux  NginX  
First Page of the Irasography website
Django  Javascript  Linux  NginX  
The sidebar navigation menu on the landing page served as a gateway to essential features such as photo and gallery uploads, liking, commenting, and participation in photography competitions.
Django  Javascript  Linux  NginX